Inner Realm of Patria - Antarbhumi Ramrajya
An independent, unrecognized micronation since 1818
Constitution of the Inner Realm of Patria
As amended, to May 1998, 4·XLV
Notes, commentaries and addenda are enclosed in [square brackets] and are not part of the text of the Constitution.
WHEREAS this Inner Realm of Patria, this Antarbhumi Ramrajya, is a sacred space within, and
WHEREAS this Inner Realm of Patria is the "Divine Kingdom" accessible to all through the practices of yoga sadhana and alluded to in the teachings of Sanatan (Vedic) Dharma, and
WHEREAS in order to establish a foundation for shanti, bhakti and dharma [peace, devotion and righteousness] in this Inner Realm, fundamental laws must be instituted and promulgated according to accepted conventions of federal government;
THEREFORE, we the devotees of this Inner Realm, with the blessings of Lord Ganesha, the remover of all obstacles, the Divine Mother Saraswati, and all the Devas and Devis of the path of Sanatan Dharma do ordain and establish this Constitution of the Inner Realm of Patria.
Name of the Inner Realm, Precincts, Capital city, etc.
Section 1 The name of this Inner Realm shall be known in English as The Inner Realm of Patria, and in Sanskrit as Antarbhumi Ramrajya.
Section 2 The capital city and seat of the government of the Inner Realm shall be established in the city of Castoropolis, known in Sanskrit as Kashipura.
Section 3 The Inner Realm shall be divided into thirteen (13) Precincts, with English and Sanskrit names according to the following schedule:
Aeolia (Sanskrit: Bhimashankara)
Ambrosia (Kedarnatha)
Antioch (Nageshwara)
Arboria (Trayamakeshwara)
Caesarea (Rajeshwara)
Canardière (Dhrishneshwara)
Centralia (Mahakala)
Fredonia (Rameshwara)
Haldimania (Mallikarjuna)
Lazuria (Somnatha)
Mauretania (Omkareshwara)
Nova Columbia (Kayavarohana)
Pottsylvania (Vaidyanatha)
Section 4 The capital city of the Inner Realm shall be established in the Federal District of Castoropolis, or in Sanskrit: Rajdhaniloka Kashipura, a separate administrative division from the the above thirteen Precincts, whose limits shall be co-extensive with the City of Castoropolis.
Legislative powers vested in Congress; representation, composition, etc. of same.
Section 1 All legislative powers of the Inner Realm herein granted shall be vested in the Congressus Patriaë (Con. Pat.), known in Sanskrit as Ramrajya Mahasabha, and hereafter referred to as "Congress". Congress shall be composed of a General Congress or Samanya Sabha and a House of Deputies or Pratinidhi Sabha.
Section 2 The Samanya Sabha shall be composed of three hundred thirty-three (333) members, chosen every fourth year on the third Saturday in April, unless Congress shall by appropriate legislation designate an alternate day or days, by the people of the several Precincts and the Federal District of Castoropolis according to proportional representation, and apportioned according to the following schedule: Caesarea: 61 members; Federal District of Castoropolis: 38 members; Nova Columbia: 36 members; Lazuria: 27 members; Centralia: 25 members; Aeolia: 24 members; Arboria: 21 members; Antioch: 19 members; Ambrosia: 17 members, Canardière: 16 members; Mauretania: 15 members; Pottsylvania: 13 members; Haldimania: 12 members; Fredonia: 9 members.
[Patria's proportional representation was intended to provide for one Congressman/Congresswoman per 75,000 people. This assumed a population of Patria at roughly the approximate population of Canada. The population of Patria has, of course, never been determined.]
Section 3 The members of the Samanya Sabha shall be chosen from slates of candidates prepared by the several parties contesting the election, and elected according to proportional representation in the several Precincts and the Federal District of Castoropolis, each party being apportioned seats in the Samanya Sabha from the allocations specified in Article II, Section 2 in proportion to the percentage of popular vote received in each Precinct and the Federal District of Castoropolis.
[Since 1998, one-third of the seats, i.e. 111 out of 333, are elected by majority/plurality vote in electoral or congressional districts, making Patria's electoral system Mixed-Member Proportional.]
Section 4 The Pratinidhi Sabha shall be composed of fifty six (56) members, four from each Precinct and four from the Federal District of Castoropolis, chosen by the Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts or by the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis without regard to party affiliations, for a minimum term of five (5) years. The members of the Pratinidhi Sabha shall also serve as members of the Legislative Assemblies of the Precincts from which they are resident, or in the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis, and shall retain their memberships in the Precinct legislatures, or in the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis, throughout the term of their service in the Pratinidhi Sabha.
[The Pratinidhi Sabha, although nominally an "upper house", is not a parallel to the U.S., Canadian, or Australian Senate, or the British House of Lords. It acts as a liaison between the federal government and the precinct legislatures. Each member of the Pratinidhi Sabha is in effect a "dual legislator" serving simultaneously on the federal and precinct levels. All members of the Pratinidhi Sabha are, at least on paper, nonpartisan appointees while serving in Castoropolis, but presumably would retain their party affiliations when serving in the Legislatures of their home precincts.]
Section 5 A member of the Pratinidhi Sabha must resign his or her seat within one hundred (100) days of his or her ceasing to be a member of the Legislative Assembly of his or her Precinct or of the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis.
Section 6 The Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts and the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis shall have the power to choose the methods as they see fit of appointing delegates to the Pratinidhi Sabha, and the removal of members appointed thereto.
Section 7 No person shall be eligible to serve in Congress who has not attained the age of eighteen (18) years, who is not a citizen of Patria by birth, naturalization or initiated discipleship, and who has not been a resident of the Precinct or Federal District from which he or she is elected for a period of one year. No person shall be eligible to serve in the Pratinidhi Sabha who has not been duly elected to the Legislative Assembly of the Precinct of his or her residence, or the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis, and has not served in that Precinct's Legislative Assembly or the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis for a period of less than two years previous to appointment to the Pratinidhi Sabha.
Section 8 The right of a person to serve in Congress, the Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts and the Council of the Federal District of Castoropolis, and the right of citizens of the Inner Realm having attained the age of eighteen (18) years to vote in elections for same, shall not be denied or abridged on account of sex, sexual orientation, race, physical, intellectual or other disability, religion or adopted spiritual path.
Congress: term of office, Inauguration, etc.
Section 1 The term of office of members of the Samanya Sabha shall be four (4) years, and shall commence at 1200 hours Co-ordinated Universal Time (UTC or GMT) on June 30 in the year of election to 1159 UTC/GMT on June 30 of the following election year.
Section 2 Before assuming his or her seat in Congress, the member shall swear (or affirm) the following Oath of Office on or about June 30 in the year that he or she was elected to the Samanya Sabha, or within one hundred (100) days of his or her appointment to the Pratinidhi Sabha:
I,_________, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties and execute the office of a Member of the _____ Congressus Patriaë, that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Inner Realm of Patria, and will to the best of my abilities preserve, protect and defend the Inner Realm of Patria and the _____ Congressus Patriaë against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. (So help me God, added optionally).
Section 3 A member of Congress may choose to take an additional vow or oath according to the instructions of his or her Guru, Acharya [teacher], or other spiritual preceptor.
Section 4 Every fourth year on June 30, a ceremony of Inauguration shall be held in Castoropolis. Congress shall have power to commemorate the transfer of power to the new Congress through appropriate ceremonies, rituals and observances.
Section 5 The First Congressus Patriaë having convened in 1818, Congresses shall be numbered consecutively every four years thereafter and designated as II Con. Pat. (1822-1826), III Con. Pat (1826-1830), etc.
Section 6 Both houses of Congress shall have power to choose from among their members a Speaker of the House (Samanya Sabha) and a President Pro Tempore of the Pratinidhi Sabha. The Speaker and President shall be empowered to preside over and keep good order of their respective Houses, and open and close each daily sitting of same. Neither shall have a vote in their respective Houses, save to break a tie. The Speaker of the House shall also be empowered to convene and adjourn each annual session of the Samanya Sabha and adjourn sine die the Samanya Sabha at the conclusion of its fourth annual session.
Section 7 Congress shall have power to invite a yogi having achieved an advanced state of sadhana, an evolved spiritual master, a guru, or orther preceptor of the path of Sanatan Dharma to preside over one or more daily sessions of the Samanya Sabha, in the role of Guru-General of the Congressus Patriaë or Honorary Speaker of the House.
Section 8 There shall be four annual sessions of the Samanya Sabha. The Samanya Sabha shall meet annually in Castoropolis on the third Monday in September, unless Congress shall by appropriate legislation designate an alternate day and/or place. The annual session of the Samanya Sabha shall adjourn no later than 2359 UTC/GMT on June 30 in the years of the first, second and third sessions, and no later than 1159 UTC/GMT on June 30 in the year of the fourth session.
Section 9 The Pratinidhi Sabha shall assemble in Castoropolis upon request of the Samanya Sabha, at dates to be prescribed by it and shall adjourn its session only after obtaining consent for same from the Samanya Sabha. Notwithstanding the preceding, the Pratinidhi Sabha shall assemble at least once in every year.
Section 10 An assembly of not less than one hundred (100) members shall constitute a quorum in the Samanya Sabha. An assembly of not less than twenty (20) members shall constitute a quorum in the Pratinidhi Sabha.
Section 11 Each House may determine the rules of its proceedings, punish its members for disorderly behavior, and, with a two-thirds majority vote, expel or impeach a member.
Section 12 Congress shall keep a Journal of the proceedings of both Houses, The Congressional Record, and shall print and disseminate this Journal for general circulation in the public interest. The Journal shall also be made available in non-print formats.
Section 13 Notwithstanding that the Samanya Sabha shall be in session only between the months of September and June, Congress, by decree of the Speaker of the House shall have power to convene a special (or emergency) session of the Samanya Sabha during the months of July and August or during all or part of the time in which the Samanya Sabha shall stand adjourned.
Powers of Congress
Congress shall be invested with the following powers:
To appropriate funding for the defense and security of the Inner Realm, to levy and collect taxes, duties, excises and imposts, and to borrow money on the credit of the Inner Realm.
To appropriate sufficient funding to provide for nurturing and spiritually uplifting experiences in the macro-national world, intended to further the study of yoga and to affirm and advance the path of Sanatan Dharma.
To act as the inner voice and inner guide of this Inner Realm.
To convey the teachings of Sanatan Dharma and of Swami Kripalvananda, Mata Amritanandamayi, as well as of other revered saints, gurus, swamis, yogis, and other spiritual preceptors to the Inner Realm and to the world at large.
To provide a loving, nurturing environment within the heart space, in which yoga sadhana, meditation and other spiritual practices may be carried out in peace.
To regulate commerce and enter into treaties with foreign nations, whether recognized or unrecognized. [i.e. whether macro- or micronations.]
To declare war against real or apprehended invaders of the Inner Realm, and to make rules concerning the conduct of warfare on land and on the high seas.
To coin money, regulate the value thereof, provide for the punishment of counterfeiting, and fix the standard of weights and measures.
To proclaim public holidays, festivals and other days of observance.
To establish post offices, telecommunications networks and Internet service providers.
To establish regulations for broadcasting over the public airwaves.
Any other powers as provided for by appropriate legislation or enumerated elsewhere in this Constitution.
Acts of Congress, ratification, etc.
Section 1 All ordinary resolutions, bills, legislation, etc. originating in Congress shall be considered to be General Acts of Congress and shall be ratified by a simple [50.1% or greater] majority vote in the Samanya Sabha and declared ratified by proclamation of the Speaker of the House.
Section 2 The following Acts of Congress shall be designated as Special Acts of Congress and shall be ratified by a two-thirds [66.6% or greater] majority vote in both Houses of Congress and declared ratified by joint proclamation of the Speaker of the House (Samanya Sabha) and President Pro Tempore (Pratinidhi Sabha):
Acceptance of the annual Budget, Balance Sheet or Financial Statements of the Inner Realm.
Extending diplomatic recognition to any macro- or micronation or severing diplomatic relations with same.
Appropriation of funding for travel to the United States of America or Canada for the purpose of furthering the cause of yoga and Sanatan Dharma, [e.g. to visit an ashram or yoga retreat such as the Kripalu Center, as an official representative of Patria.] and any other activities intended to affirm and advance the cause of yoga or Sanatan Dharma, as may be designated by Congress as requiring ratification as a Special Act.
Appropriation of funding for military expenditures.
Impeachment of a member of Congress.
Emergency powers, including but not limited to declarations of war or martial law.
Section 3 Amendments to the Constitution may be made from time to time as Congress sees fit and after having been proposed to Congress shall be ratified by a two-thirds [66.6% or greater] majority vote in both Houses of Congress. Such Amendments shall also require a two-thirds majority vote of the Legislative Assemblies of not less than eight (8) of the thirteen Precincts and the Federal District of Castoropolis before they may be declared ratified by Proclamation of Congress.
Divine Head of State; Head of Government
Section 1 The executive and ceremonial power as Head of State of the Inner Realm shall be vested in a Deva or Devi [god or goddess] of the Hindu pantheon and the path of Sanatan Dharma, as Congress may see fit to designate. He or She shall hold office as King or Queen of Patria for an indefinite term.
Section 2 All Acts of Congress and all legislation, resolutions, etc. arising in Congress shall be offered to the holy lotus feet of the Divine Head of State for His or Her blessings, and if such favorable blessings are received shall be declared ratified and enacted in His or Her name.
Section 3 A representative of the party or coalition of parties having commanded the confidence and support of at least 51% of the members of the Samanya Sabha shall, after having obtained the darshan [communion] of the Divine Head of State and having received His or Her blessings, assume the functions of de facto Head of Government.
Section 4 The de facto Head of Government shall choose from among the members of his or her party or coalition of parties the several members of the Cabinet: Minister of External Affairs [Secretary of State], Attorney-General, Chancellor of the Exchequer [Minister of Finance], Postmaster-General, Minister of the Interior, Minister of Defense, Minister of Dharma, and any other Cabinet positions provided for by appropriate legislation. Such members of the Cabinet shall be confirmed by a two-thirds [66.6%] majority vote of the Samanya Sabha.
Judicial powers, Courts, Prohibited punishments
Section 1 All judicial powers of the Inner Realm shall be vested in a Supreme Court, established in Castoropolis, and in District or Precinct Courts, established in each Precinct.
Section 2 The Supreme Court of Patria shall be composed of nine (9) Justices selected on recommendation of the Samanya Sabha and confirmed by a two-thirds majority vote of that House.
Section 3 The Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts shall be empowered to administer the District or Precinct Courts, appoint or remove Justices to same, etc.
Section 4 The Supreme Court of Patria shall function as a District Court within the Federal District of Castoropolis.
Section 5 The Supreme Court of Patria shall be the arbiter of the constitutionality of any legislation ratified by Congress or by the the Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts.
Section 6 Congress shall have power to provide appropriate funding for both the Supreme Court and the District or Precinct Courts.
Section 7 In all criminal and civil cases tried before the Supreme Court of Patria and the District or Precinct Courts, the right of trial by jury and the right of habeas corpus shall not be denied or abridged. No person tried before these courts shall be twice put in jeopardy for the same offense, nor shall he or she be compelled to act as a witness against himself or herself in any criminal case. [cf. Fifth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.]
Section 8 All criminal prosecutions must be brought to trial within one year of the commission of the alleged offense, by an impartial jury of the Precinct or Federal District wherein the crime is said to have been committed. The accused shall be informed of the nature and cause of the accusation, shall be confronted with the witnesses against him or her, shall have compulsory process for obtaining witnesses in his or her favor and to have the assistance of counsel for his or her defense. [cf. Sixth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.]
Section 9 Slavery or involuntary servitude is hereby abolished within the Inner Realm, including as punishment for a crime for which the defendant has been duly convicted.
Section 10 The use of torture as a punishment for a crime, or as an instrument of exacting a confession from any person accused of a crime, and the deliberate infliction of wanton physical or psychological cruelty for any judicial or civil purposes, are hereby prohibited within the Inner Realm. [cf. Eighth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.]
Section 11 The death penalty is hereby abolished within the Inner Realm, save in cases of treason or desertion in time of war.
Powers of the Precincts
Section 1 No Precinct or the Federal District of Castoropolis shall enter into any treaty, alliance or confederation with another macro- or micro-nation, without the consent of Congress. Nor shall any Precinct or the Federal District of Castoropolis coin money, lay any imposts or duties on imports or exports, or engage in war unless actually invaded.
Section 2 Each Precinct shall ordain and establish a Constitution or other Fundamental Law and be governed by a Legislative Assembly. Congress shall have power to ordain and establish a Fundamental Law for the Federal District of Castoropolis. The functions of the Legislative Assembly within the Federal District of Castoropolis shall be exercised by the Council of the District of Castoropolis.
Section 3 The powers not delegated to Congress by this Constitution, nor prohibited to it by the Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts or the Constitutions and Fundamental Laws thereof, are reserved to the Precincts respectively, or to the people. [a.k.a. the "Precincts' Rights" provision. cf. Tenth Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.]
Armed Forces
Section 1 Congress shall have power to raise, support, regulate and maintain the Army, Navy and Air Force of the Inner Realm and the Militia of the Federal District of Castoropolis.
Section 2 The duties of Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Navy and Air Force of the Inner Realm shall be vested in Lord Krishna and His trusted warrior-disciple Arjuna. Congress shall have power to appoint leaders of the Kshatriya [warrior] caste to serve as Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Armed Forces.
Section 3 No person shall be involuntarily conscripted into the Army, Navy, Air Force or Militias of the Inner Realm in time of peace, nor in time of war but in a manner to be prescribed by Congress.
Section 4 The Legislative Assemblies of the several Precincts shall have power to raise, support, regulate and maintain Militias in time of peace.
Section 5 In times of war, whether declared or apprehended, or insurrection, Congress shall have power to call forth the Militias of the several Precincts and to place them under the command of the Commander-in-Chief for the purpose of executing the laws of the Inner Realm, suppressing insurrections and repelling invasions.
Section 6 The right of the people to keep and bear arms in time of peace shall not be denied or abridged, notwithstanding that Congress shall have power to regulate the sale, manufacture and importation of firearms and ammunition through appropriate legislation. [cf. Second Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.]
Flag, national symbols, etc.
Section 1 Congress shall have power to designate by appropriate Acts of Congress national symbols, and the specifications or designs thereof, including but not necessarily limited to the flag, ensign, motto, armorial bearings [coat of arms], military insignia and decorations, national anthem, floral emblem, and the like.
Section 2 The national sport and national pastime of the Inner Realm shall be Hatha Yoga.
National Languages
Section 1 The official languages of the Inner Realm shall be English, Sanskrit and Patrienish.
Section 2 Congress shall have power to designate other languages as official in accordance with the changing needs of the Inner Realm.
Section 3 Members of Congress may use any language enumerated in Sections 1 and 2 of this Article in their deliberations at any time.
Section 4 The several Precincts shall have power to designate languages not enumerated in Sections 1 or 2 of this Article as official languages for use within the Precinct.
Section 5 Congress shall have power to establish and fix the standards of grammar, syntax and vocabulary of the Patrienish language.
Section 6 Sanskrit shall have a special place as a sacred language within the Inner Realm. Congress, through the Ministry of Dharma, shall have power to propagate and protect the teaching of Sanskrit as the voice of Sanatan Dharma.
Fundamental Rights and Freedoms
Freedom of speech, freedom of the press, freedom from arbitrary censorship of the public airwaves and electronic media, freedom of sexual expression between consenting adults, the right of the people peaceably and non-violently to assemble, and the right non-violently to petition the Government for a redress of grievances shall not be denied or abridged on any account. Congress shall have power to enforce this Article through appropriate legislation. [cf. First Amendment of Constitution of the United States]
Spiritual and Religious Freedom
Notwithstanding that the path of Sanatan (Vedic) Dharma, as taught in the Vedas, Bhagavad Gita, Ramayana, Devi Mahatmyam, Yoga Sutras, and other Hindu scriptures, and expounded by Gurus, Pandits, Sadhus, Yogis, Rishis, etc., shall be the path upon which this Inner Realm is based, Congress shall make no law denying or abridging the free practice of any religion or spiritual path.
© 1818, 1998-2017, Ministry of the Interior, Inner Realm of Patria.