Inner Realm of Patria - Antarbhumi Ramrajya
An independent, unrecognized micronation since 1818

Hello! Saluí! Namasté! Jai Bhagwan! Om Namah Shivaya! With the blessings of Ganesha, Kali, Durga, Lakshmi, Saraswati, Shiva, Krishna, Radha, Rama, Sita and all the Devas and Devis, welcome to the Internet home of the Inner Realm of Patria, or in Sanskrit Antarbhumi Ramrajya. Patria, unlike some other micronations or virtual nations, has never formally issued a declaration of secession from a macronation, i.e. a "real" country such as Canada (the macronation with which Patria has enjoyed a special relationship since 1867), and does not claim a physical area such as a few city blocks in Toronto - although back in the 1970's there had been visions of it occupying an impressive chunk of real estate, possibly in Central Asia, having a population almost that of Canada, and even claiming a colonial empire that included Madagascar and the disputed Spratly Islands. Rather, Patria is an "Inner Realm" that exists anywhere you want it to be and is accessible to anyone through meditation and sadhana (yoga practices). Patria was established as a sovereign, independent realm on June 30, 1818, (an auspicious date in a previous lifetime of this site's creator) although its recorded history - then known as the Republic of Castoria - began in 1972-73 when as an eighth-grader at Toronto's Forest Hill Junior High, Michael Brooker (friend me on Facebook) needed a diversion to help survive his home-room class, and later to survive high school and being a teenager in the (ugh!) 1970s. In those days, the names "Republic of Castoria" and "Patria" were used interchangeably, but "Castoria" fell out of favour circa 1978, surviving today only in the name of the capital city, Castoropolis. Once a liberal, secular republic, Patria underwent a profound and powerful spiritual transformation (known popularly as the "Dharmic Revolution") beginning in late 1989, sparked in part by the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the end of the Cold War. Since 1992 Patria has been a de facto Hindu theocracy, nurturing and propagating the teachings of Sanatan Dharma ("sanatan" = eternal; "dharma" = truth or righteousness, but is difficult to translate literally), as taught in the Vedic scriptures, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, and the Bhagavad Gita, as well as in Mahatma Gandhi's philosophy of ahimsa (nonviolence), and commonly referred to in the West as "Hinduism", although the Constitution of Patria recognizes a First Amendment-type guarantee of religious/spiritual tolerance.
#Patriavotes2022 - the race for Patria's Fifty-Second Congress (LII Con. Pat.)
On April, 16, 2022, Patria's 52nd general election was held (the Precinct of Fredonia voted one week early). The Bernie Sanders-inspired Social Democrats, along with the new-age/yoga-inspired Chakra Party and the Green Party (much like real-world Greens) held off the Patria-first SRM, even though the SRM actually won the most seats. The Amrita Party, which held the second-most seats, dissolved in December 2021 leaving its supporters scrambling for another party, many of their votes going to the Chakra Party. Note that in many cases a two-thirds super-majority is required to pass legislation in Congress, although some bills can be ratified by a simple 50% plus one majority vote.
The following are the seat allocations in the 52nd Congress:
SRM – 90 (+34 from 2018)
Social Democrats – 84 (-12)
Chakra – 76 (+43)
National Union – 22 (+1)
Green – 17 (+1)
Jungle – 10 (-1)
Lilith – 8 (+2)
Libertarian – 5 (unchanged)
Independent (Amrita) – 4**
Chastity – 2 (-1)
Family Values – 2 (unchanged)
Peoples’ Party – 2
Reconstruction Party - 2
others* – 9
*one seat each: Pottsylvanian Alliance, United Patriots of Pottsylvania, United Farmers of Antioch, Lazurian Independent Party, Patriots Union of Nova Columbia, Incels’ Rights, Victory and Peace, Freedom Party, Popular Front of Caesarea.
** Now-defunct Amrita Party, elected through write-ins and party remaining on ballot in Caesarea despite its demise in Dec. 2021.
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